RRB NTPC 2020 CBT 1 will be held from 28 March to 30 April 2020 | NOTICE REAL OR FAKE?

RRB NTPC 2020 CBT 1 will be held from 28 March to 30 April 2020. Admit cards will be issued to the candidates from 24 March. Read below for more information about RRB NTPC exam. The wait for more than 1 crore applicants for RRB NTPC examination is still going on for several months as they filled the application forms earlier this year. Various speculations are being made regarding RRB NTPC exam dates. As per a notice available on social media, RRB NTPC 2019 CBT 1 exam is likely to start from 28 March 2020 to 30 April 2020. Admit cards will be issued to the candidates from 24 March. Details of the examination city will be released. 13 March 2020. The mock test link will be activated on 17 March 2020.

This information has appeared on various social media platforms. Candidates are receiving a PDF notice and newspaper clipping from various sources. However, there is no official update regarding RRB NTPC exam dates 2019 on the official website.

On the other hand, while talking to some media, a Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) official has informed that RRB NTPC exam dates will be released on the official portal of the board and it is in process.

The exam is being delayed to allow RRBs to finalize the private agency to conduct the examination. Earlier, RRB had released an official staging, “RRB NTPC 2019 exam was scheduled to be held between June and September, however, it has been postponed. The revised RRB NTPC dates will be published later on the official websites of the RRB 2019. Candidates are advised to visit the official website regularly.

1.26 crore applications were submitted for more than 35,000 RRB NTPC vacancies. As per RRB NTPC exam pattern, the exam will be conducted for 90 minutes. It will have a total of 120 questions. It will have 50 questions of general awareness, 35 of mathematics, 35 of general knowledge and 50 of logic. For wrong answers, the will mark will be deducted as penalty.

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